$1,600 Lifetime Front Sight Challenge Membership

Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Founder and Director
Front Sight Resorts

For the Cost of a Four-Day Course at Front Sight I Will Give You a Lifetime Membership!

This is my way of saying Thank You over the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend for your support of Front Sight’s vision and purpose.

Dear Friends and Students of Front Sight,


Simply because over 25 million people will have the opportunity to watch 26 episodes of Front Sight Challenge early next year and even more households will be reached with Front Sight True Crime Stories, our second reality series. (And I will be announcing a THIRD reality series before the end of the year!) I want you to have the opportunity to secure your own membership before the increased demand on Front Sight drives course prices and memberships out of the reach of our Friends and Students who are not already members. If you are not a member, and have always wanted to attend our courses for the rest of your life, then you must immediately take advantage of my way of thanking you for your support during the formative years of Front Sight.

I’m not kidding. This is not marketing hype. Please do not mistake this offer for anything other than giving you a final opportunity to become a member so you can train for the rest of your life, regardless of how high course prices may climb. I have already authorized all of our course prices in 2006 to increase 25% in anticipation of the demand that Front Sight Challenge and Front Sight True Crime Stories will create next year. Prices will continue to rise from there so PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GIFT THAT ONLY I CAN GIVE YOU … A Front Sight Challenge, First Family Lifetime Membership! Here is how it works:

Cost: One Payment of $1,600. (This is not a typo. If you want one or more, do not delay in responding because we must strictly limit the total number of these memberships sold. This offer was just sent to 35,000 Friends and Students of Front Sight on our e-mail list so these memberships will sell out in record time without further notice.)

Respond immediately by completing form.

Or, print out form and Fax to: 831.684.2137.

Or, if paying by check print out form and mail.

These are individual memberships, one membership per person.

Yes, you can enroll your entire family, but each person needs their own membership.

Yes, if you want to purchase memberships as Christmas gifts we can send you the memberships directly to present at Christmas.

Yes, you can purchase as many memberships as you wish and place TBD (To Be Determined) in the recipient’s line. At a later date you can assign the membership to the person you wish.

Yes, if you are already a member you can purchase this membership and hold two memberships so you can you enjoy the Uzi and M16 courses for the rest for your life.

Yes, this is a VERY LIMITED, one-time offer and will not be repeated, ever.

Respond immediately by completing form.

Or, print out form and Fax to: 831.684.2137.

Or, if paying by check print out form and mail.