Order of the Knights of Front Sight

YOUR REWARD for Stepping Up to Finish The Fight …

The Time Has Come for a NEW, HIGHEST LEVEL, MOST PRESTIGIOUS, GREATEST HONOR, Front Sight Lifetime Membership.

The Time Has Come for Those of Integrity, Courage, Character, and Dedication to Identify Themselves to Front Sight.

The Time Has Come to Select Those Among Us Who Possess the Desire and Ability to Guide, Protect, and Expand Front Sight’s Mission and Purpose For Generations.

The Time Has Come … For the Order of the Knights of Front Sight!

The Time Has Come for YOU to Become a Front Sight Knight!

Dear Sir,

Throughout history great men and women of honor, integrity, and courage have joined together in body and spirit to guide, protect and expand causes near and dear to their hearts. For over 25 years I have led by example and carried the torch of Front Sight’s mission and purpose to protect and restore the Second Amendment by positively changing the image of gun ownership in our lifetimes, through providing responsible citizens with a level of Skill at Arms that far exceeds military and law enforcement standards.

With over 200,000 lifetime members, nearly a million citizens trained, and our world class, 550 acre training facility, you know I speak the truth when I say that under my guidance, protection and expansion, Front Sight has become the absolute leader of the firearms training industry by leaps and bounds. You also know there is SO MUCH MORE we can accomplish with Front Sight in this lifetime and the lifetimes of our children and grandchildren.

With the completion of the entire resort looming and my 60th birthday just around the corner, the time has come for the truly great men and women members of our Front Sight organization to step up and identify themselves to me as worthy of the honor, and to demonstrate to me that they have the willingness and ability to take the reins of Front Sight to guide, protect and expand Front Sight’s legacy, once Front Sight Resort is completed, financially self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and running like the well-oiled machine you are accustomed to experiencing whenever you attend a course at Front Sight.

As I have written to you several times in the past, when Front Sight Resort is completed, financially self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and running like the well-oiled machine you are accustomed to experiencing whenever you attend a course at Front Sight, I will gently and generously turn over the operation and ownership of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute to the members.

But WHO will be properly trained and blessed with the authority to guide, protect and expand Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, when it is time for me to turn it over to the members?

Answer: The Order of the Knights of Front Sight.

But WHO is qualified for acceptance into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight?

Answer: YOU ARE, IF you possess the following personal characteristics of a Front Sight Knight, and you can act IMMEDIATELY on this ONE TIME ONLY INVITATION, and I personally accept you into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight.

Honesty: You are candid with yourself and others. You always tell the truth, as I do, even when it is uncomfortable to do so.

Integrity: You always conduct yourself in an exemplary manner, as I do, even when nobody is watching.

Dedication: You are a dedicated guardian of America’s freedom through preserving the Second Amendment and expanding Front Sight’s purpose and mission, as I have demonstrated.

Ability: You have aptitude, skills and talents in your specific field of expertise and are willing to share them, as I have done, for the betterment of guiding, protecting and expanding Front Sight’s purpose and mission.

Stability: You have the interest and willingness to participate throughout your lifetime in the protection and expansion of Front Sight, as I have done.

Legacy: You will groom a family member or friend to take your place as a Knight of Front Sight before your time has passed, as I am doing with you.

Recruitment: You will constantly look for individuals who possess the inherent personal characteristics of a Front Sight Knight and encourage them to apply for acceptance into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight.

If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight what can you expect to receive?

  1. Your membership and membership card will be upgraded to the title, Knight of Front Sight. This is the highest level, most prestigious, and greatest honor in the Front Sight organization.
  2. You will receive a Knights of Front Sight pin, designating you as a Knight of Front Sight so all staff and members know you have the highest level, most prestigious, and greatest honor in the Front Sight organization.
  3. You will receive a Knights of Front Sight hat, designating you as a Knight of Front Sight so all staff and members know you have the highest level, most prestigious, and greatest honor in the Front Sight organization.
  4. You will receive a customized Knights of Front Sight assisted, fast-opening, folding knife to carry with you wherever you go as a functional reminder to all who may see it that you are one of the highest level, most prestigious members, in the Front Sight organization, and you were personally invited and accepted by me, Front Sight’s Founder and Director, to receive Front Sight’s greatest honor.
  5. You will receive this customized 1911 in .45ACP with special Knights of Front Sight stocks, Order of the Knights of Front Sight engraved on the non-ejection port side of the slide, and your name, Sir Greg Raven engraved on the ejection port side of the slide so whenever you are on the range or carrying concealed, you can carry the weapon of a Front Sight Knight.
  6. You will receive this full size, Knights of Front Sight shield and sword to hang in your office or home so all who visit you will recognize that you are one of the distinguished, dedicated guardians of America’s freedom, whom I personally chose to guide, protect, and expand Front Sight’s purpose and mission.
  7. You will have a separate e-mail with the FrontSightKnight.com designation so I can communicate directly and confidentially with you.
  8. You will receive regular, confidential e-mails from me as part of the process of training you and your fellow Knights of Front Sight with the authority to guide, protect and expand Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, when it is time for me to turn it over to the members, regardless of the amount of ownership you and the other members hold.
  9. You will be invited to personal training events and Front Sight policy seminars that I, Knight #1, and Brad Ackman, Knight #2, Rick Green, Knight #3, and Tim Larkin, Knight #4, will conduct for you and your fellow Front Sight Knights to train and prepare you with the authority to guide, protect and expand Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, when it is time for me to turn it over to the members, regardless of the amount of ownership you and the other members hold.

    I will provide the Front Sight Business Management Training. Brad Ackman will provide the Front Sight Curriculum and Gun Training. Rick Green will provide the Constitutional and Legal Training. Tim Larkin will provide his best in the world, TFT Hand-to-Hand Combat Training.

    I'm sure you recognize the value of the original, four founding members of the Order of the Knights of Front Sight, personally providing you with ongoing business, firearms training, constitutional training, and hand-to-hand combat training.

    This is the BEST OF FRONT SIGHT providing their personal training to you. What you will receive is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars all by itself, not to mention to prestige and honor of being accepted into such an elite group of patriots.
  10. You will have annual opportunities to rise within the Order of the Knights of Front Sight to receive greater and greater levels of status, honor, prestige and leadership through your participation with your fellow Knights and the Front Sight organization.

In addition to all of the benefits above, your Knight of Front Sight membership provides you with the following additional benefits:

What is the value of being personally accepted by me into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight as ONE of the ORIGINAL Front Sight Knights and being personally trained by Dr. Ignatius Piazza, Brad Ackman, Rick Green, and Tim Larkin in our areas of expertise?

Well, if you don't already understand the honor, prestige, and value of this invitation to apply for acceptance into the such an elite group, who will be personally trained by me, Brad, Rick and Tim to guide, protect and expand Front Sight for generations, then you are either one of our newer members, or you should probably stop reading this because it is really not for you.

Short answer is:

The value in honor and prestige is greater than priceless.

The access to all our firearms training courses is worth tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. The access to all of Rick Green’s constitutional training is worth tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. The access to Tim Larkin’s hand-to-hand combat training is worth tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime.

The private firearms training component, allowing you to bring 9 guests with you is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime.

The ongoing personal training you will receive from me, Brad and Rick and Tim to prepare you with the authority to guide, protect and expand Front Sight Firearms Training Institute for generations is worth millions of dollars.

The value of possessing the exclusive title Sir Greg Raven, and being identified as a Front Sight Knight when wearing your Knights of Front Sight hat and pin, and the honor of carrying the Order of the Knights of Front Sight 1911 and knife, along with having the Knights of Front Sight shield and sword to proudly display in your office or home for all who know and care about you to see is absolutely priceless. It is a legacy you will pass to your family.

Then I am going to throw in one million, YES, I SAID ONE MILLION Front Sight Patronage Points so when Front Sight Resort is completed, financially self-sufficient, self-sustaining, and running like the well-oiled machine you are accustomed to experiencing whenever you attend a course at Front Sight, and I gently and generously turn over the operation and ownership of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute to the members, you will have what you need for the greatest benefit.

The value of being personally accepted by me into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight as ONE of the ORIGINAL Front Sight Knights is literally OFF THE CHARTS!

It is truly the greatest Exchange in Abundance I have ever provided for any member.

And it will ALL be yours, IF you ACT IMMEDIATELY on this ONE TIME ONLY, Exclusive and Extremely Limited Invitation I am offering YOU to be accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight!

Here is how you apply:


If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight what special skills or talents or dedication to our cause do you possess that would be of benefit to Front Sight in operating, guiding, protecting, and expanding Front Sight? (Do not be shy here. Tell me why I should accept you. Use as much space as you need.)

(Use letters and numbers. Please do not use quotes or special characters.)

Answer Yes or No:
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you make yourself available now and in the future for at least one weekend training seminar per year at Front Sight Las Vegas OR watch the videos of the events if you cannot attend?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight can you make yourself available now and in the future for more than one weekend training seminar per year at Front Sight Las Vegas OR watch the videos of the events if you cannot attend?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to always be honest with Front Sight’s Staff, Students, Members, and your fellow Front Sight Knights?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to always conduct yourself in an exemplary manner as a responsible representative of Front Sight even when nobody is watching?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to remain a dedicated guardian of America’s freedom through preserving the Second Amendment and expanding Front Sight’s purpose and mission?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to share your aptitude, skills and talents in your specific field of expertise with your fellow Front Sight Knights for the betterment of guiding, protecting and expanding Front Sight’s purpose and mission?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to participate as best you can in the protection and expansion of Front Sight?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to groom a younger family member or family friend to take your place as a Knight of Front Sight before your time has passed?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to constantly look for individuals who possess the inherent personal characteristics of a Front Sight Knight and encourage them to apply for acceptance into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to keep all communication received from me, Front Sight staff and your fellow Knights confidential?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to keep all training materials, policy manuals and Front Sight materials received from me, Front Sight staff and your fellow Knights confidential?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to never publicly disparage the Front Sight organization, any of its members, staff, your fellow Front Sight Knights, or its founder, Dr. Ignatius Piazza?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to never file any type of claim, grievance, lawsuit, arbitration or recourse against the Front Sight organization, any of its members, staff, or your fellow Front Sight Knights, or its founder Dr. Ignatius Piazza?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to rely solely on the confidential and internal dispute resolution process of the Order of the Front Sight Knights and fully accept whatever decision your fellow Front Sight Knights determine is fair should a dispute arise between individual Front Sight Knights and or the Order of the Knights of Front Sight or the Front Sight Organization?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to strive, to the best of your ability, to uphold Front Sight’s founding principles of Purpose Duty Exchange established and demonstrated by Dr. Ignatius Piazza?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to strive, to the best of your ability, to guide, protect and expand Front Sight as established and demonstrated by Dr. Ignatius Piazza?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you pledge to strive, to the best of your ability, to ascend to higher and higher levels of participation and leadership within the Order of the Knights of Front Sight?
If accepted into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight will you, to the best of your ability, encourage and sponsor your immediate family members who are worthy of acceptance, to also apply for acceptance into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight?

Please complete the remainder of the enrollment form below and submit today. Your application will be personally reviewed and approved by me, Dr. Ignatius Piazza within 5 business days. If for any reason, your application is not approved, your payment will be refunded in full immediately.

You Will Receive:

  1. Your membership and membership card will be upgraded to the title, Knight of Front Sight.
  2. You will receive a Knight of Front Sight pin.
  3. You will receive a Knight of Front Sight hat.
  4. You will receive a customized Front Sight Knight assisted, fast-opening, folding knife.
  5. You will receive a customized Knights of Front Sight 1911 in .45ACP.
  6. You will receive a full size, Knights of Front Sight shield and sword.
  7. You will have a separate e-mail with the @FrontSightKnight.com designation.
  8. You will receive regular, confidential e-mails from me as part of the process of training you and your fellow Knights of Front Sight.
  9. You will be invited to personal training events and Front Sight policy seminars that I, Knight #1, and Brad Ackman, Knight #2, and Rick Green, Knight #3, and Tim Larkin, Knight #4, will conduct for you and your fellow Front Sight Knights.
  10. You will have annual opportunities to rise within the Order of the Knights of Front Sight to receive greater and greater levels of status, honor, prestige and leadership through your participation with your fellow Knights and the Front Sight organization.
  11. One Million Front Sight Patronage Points added to your Front Sight Account.

Knight of Front Sight membership provides you with the following additional benefits:

Payment Options:

NORMAL COST is $120,000.

Because you stepped up to participate with me in Finishing The Fight against our enemies, YOUR COST is ONLY $1,997, saving you over $118,003!

Single payment of ONLY $1,997 saving you $118,003

This SPECTACULAR opportunity to become a member of my Elite, Highest Level, Most Prestigious Order of the Knights of Front Sight is on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis. DO NOT hesitate or procrastinate on this AMAZING opportunity.

This page will close without further warning as soon as the limited number of positions I set aside at this spectacular price are filled in the Order of the Knights of Front Sight. Again, DO NOT hesitate or procrastinate. Enroll TODAY.

Special Savings:

Apply money previously paid to Front Sight to this purchase:

To reward you for your past participation with Front Sight, select the ONE Special Savings Discount that BEST applies to what you have purchased in the past to apply to your Application for Acceptance into the Order of the Knights of Front Sight.

If you have any questions about how much you have paid Front Sight in the past, contact my Concierge Staff for assistance. If you have any other questions e-mail me directly. This is a private e-mail so please keep it private. If after you have read the entire Knights opportunity you still have questions that only I can answer, feel free to contact me.

Select ONE to Apply Below
Don't apply anything.
Apply whatever you paid for President’s Club up to a maximum of $11,000: $
Apply whatever you paid for Champions Club up to a maximum of $10,000: $
Apply whatever you paid for your Heritage $795 President TBD memberships (and still keep them to apply toward your activation fees) up to a maximum of $9,540 (12 TBD memberships): $
Apply whatever you paid for your President Private Training Membership up to a maximum of $5,000: $
Apply whatever you paid for your current level of membership up to a maximum of $3,000: $

Payment Information:


If you would like to use multiple credit cards, call my Concierge Staff at between the hours of 8:30am and 5:30pm PST and they will assist you in your purchase.

4. Confirm Your Order

Select Your Payment Options above to see your price confirmation.

You have selected Single payment of $1,997 saving you $118,000.

Total cost charged to your card today: $1,997

I UNDERSTAND and agree that all Front Sight Products, Front Sight Certificates and Front Sight Memberships offered in the past, the present, and future, including "To Be Determined" memberships, as well as any special memberships not listed here, are NON REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. I further understand I may sell and transfer "To Be Determined" memberships, but I am not allowed to sell/transfer them to existing Front Sight members or advertise the sale of any memberships in any public media. I also acknowledge that Front Sight is not guaranteeing a specific date of resort completion or specific time when Dr. Piazza will gently and generously turn over the ownership of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute to his loyal and supportive members, although Front Sight is making every effort and working diligently to complete construction within the next 18 months.

Enter the information above to process your order securely.

Thanks again for your participation in Front Sight’s phenomenal success!


Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Founder and Director
Four-Weapons Combat Master
Your host of Front Sight Challenge Reality TV Series