The Nation’s Best Shooting For Women

Women, Guns, & Personal Safety
The Nation’s Best Shooting For Women

Recent surveys show that women are trending to use guns as a form of protection for themselves and their families, more than at any time in the recent past. But with this comes the need to get properly trained in their use.

We continually hear news reports that crime is decreasing. That violent crime statistics are trending better. Whether the crime rate is up or down is apparently incidental to Americans, however, who are becoming more and more concerned about their personal safety. No where is this more evident than with women, who are still the most susceptible group to become a victim of violent crime. More and more women, however, are taking action to defend themselves from the growing sense that they, and their homes, are not really as safe as we once believed, and a growing number are opting for guns as their "protection" of choice.

Believe it or not, many of us urban, suburban and rural citizens really believed that the Police would come to our rescue and save us from the assault, rape or burglary in progress. However true this may have been, it certainly has gotten less likely to happen. Currently, Police are only able to intercept less than 1% of violent crimes in the happening that are reported to 9-1-1. We have come to the recognition that we are pretty much undefended in our homes, and it does not bid well for making us feel safe.

Woman shooter at Front Sight firing range"No where is this sense of needing personal safety more evident than with women and mothers." Says Jim McMahon, National Spokesperson for the American Council on Personal Safety. "Recent surveys we have done of middle America women and mothers show that 63. 1 % are concerned that they or their family might get victimized resulting in injury or death. What we are witnessing here is an increasing feeling of anxiety of women’s personal safety and that of their families."

Corresponding to this is women’s perception of what adequate personal and family protection would mean. A significant number of women are turning to the option of firearms for personal protection, according to McMahon.
"We are finding that 23.5% of women surveyed originated that firearms would be a real option to guarantee personal safety," says McMahon. "This is meaningful, because the women we surveyed do not own or use firearms. We are finding that women are looking for real options to protect themselves, and consequently more of them are willing examine firearms as a solution."

One of these women is Sue Miller, who having had a frightful assault occur earlier in her life, has spent the last twenty years avoiding situations that might put her life in jeopardy again.
Sue’s assault was nearly fatal. Now a mother with three children, she is one of a growing group of women who not only feel firearms are a real option for protection, but has actually gone ahead and done something about it by getting firearms training.

"I never considered firearms an option," says, Sue Miller, a Vice President for Administration in a loan company based outside of Los Angeles. "I've lived in the West all of my life, mostly in suburban areas, and I've lived outside of Los Angeles since 1993. Until recently, I have never even thought of having a gun as a weapon.

Dr. Ignatius Piazza

"You'll enjoy safe and responsible firearms training that far exceeds those levels found in the law enforcement and military communities with one big difference — there is no boot camp mentality or drill sergeant attitudes. With one instructor for every 4 to 5 students on the firing line, our instructors are caring, supportive and naturally bring out the most in you. Afterward, you too will acclaim our training as a positive, life-changing experience."

Dr. Ignatius Piazza
Front Sight Firearms Training Institute

For more information on safe firearms training for women, please contact Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.

"But over the past year or so, I really began to look at how I would protect myself, and my children, if my home was broken into? How would I protect myself It really began to wear on me.

Mother reading to children

"A friend of mine at work mentioned that he had just got back from a firearms training course, and that I might consider learning to use a gun. I had my reservations, of course, with all the negative press about guns in the home. I had real concerns about the safety of guns with my children. So, I did some homework, and with a little coaxing from him, decided to enroll in a defensive handgun course at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.

"Realize, I knew nothing about guns. I had never held a gun, and obviously had never shot a gun until I arrived at Front Sight. They took me from a totally green neophyte, from somebody totally inexperienced with guns, and worked with me closely. The instructors helped me to understand how to hold the gun, how to aim it, how to shoot it, how to load it, how to reload it, when to shoot it, when not to shoot it, and a hundred other points.

"But Front Sight instructors also taught me something that is invaluable to me-how to handle a gun safely, and how to think with guns safely. This means everything to me, as you can imagine, having children in the house. I can honestly say, that without this extensive training on how to handle a gun safely, I would have left without considering a gun as a viable option for defense.

"Learning how to use a gun for defense is one thing, but without the safety training it’s only half complete.

"I can honestly say that Front Sight gave me the skills to defend myself and my family, but Front Sight also gave me the peace of mind in knowing how to handle this defensive weapon with complete safety in my home.

"In fact, I feel so secure in their training approach, that I am sending my three boys to Front Sight for firearms training as well."

As more and more women continue reaching out to acquire a personal defensive skill, an increasing number will learn how to become proficient with a firearm. Along with this, it is vital that the safe techniques of handling a firearm be taught as well.

Patrick Roberts is a writer based in Ventura, CA