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Please print out the following form, fill it out completely, and mail or fax it to Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.


By my signature on this application, I state that I have no
criminal convictions, am not currently under indictment or
prosecution for any offense, and am not wanted for questioning or
arrest by any law enforcement or government agency. I further
state that I have no history of mental illness or substance
abuse. I understand that my training may be terminated at any
time during the course if my actions are not deemed appropriate
by Front Sight’s staff. Upon arriving at the course, I agree to
sign a document releasing Front Sight Firearms Training Institute
from any liability that may occur during the course of training
or thereafter. I understand that my tuition is non-refundable
without 90 days advance notice of cancellation.
Applicant's Signature____________________________ Date___________


The following Character Reference Statement must be completed and
signed by a respected member of the applicant's community who has
known the applicant for at least five years and is not a member
of the applicant's immediate family.
I___________________________________certify that I have
 Character Witness full, legal name

known______________________________for at least five years and can
   Applicant's full, legal name

attest to the good, moral character of the applicant. I have no
knowledge of any criminal activity, mental illness, or substance
abuse by the applicant. I recommend applicant for training in the
use of deadly weapons without hesitation or reservation.

Character Witness Signature______________________________________
Date of Birth __/__/__
Current Address__________________________________________________
City___________________________State______Zip Code_______________
Occupation_____________________Home Phone________________________
Work Phone ____________________
Mail or fax completed statements to administrative offices:

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute

Home | Founder's Message | Monthly Report | Expert Instruction | Courses | Buddy System Pricing | New "World-Class" Facility
How Good is Good Enough? | Training Dates | Application | Newsletter | Safety/Incident Report | Solution to Littleton, CO Shooting | Other Links

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