Location and Dates

Front Sight offers Student Appreciation Weekends in exciting Las Vegas, NV., for students who have completed one or more regular courses at Front Sight during the previous year. A typical "weekend", shown here, provides a seminar in proper submachine gun use.
Machine gun instruction
Range Master Mike Waidelich begins Student Appreciation Free Submachine Gun Seminar with on-range lecture and demonstration.
The Student Appreciation Weekend is free of charge, and all weapons and ammunition are provided by Front Sight free of charge as well. You simply show up and enjoy yourself! This is Dr. Piazza's way of saying, "Thanks for attending Front Sight Firearms Training Institute!"
Machine gun drills
Students ready themselves to deliver a two shot burst from submachine guns on instructor's command.
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Front Sight’s LOCATION

Front Sight Firearms Training Institute's California location features all the facilities required for small arms tactical training, conveniently located 10 minutes north of Bakersfield off Highway 99. Paved roads lead you to the front door of the facility. Food and lodging establishments are located nearby. Upon receipt of your completed training application and course fees, you will receive an enrollment confirmation package with a map, list of motels catering to Front Sight students and recommended equipment for your specific course.

Front Sight’s new World-Class Training Facility outside of Las Vegas, NV will open in October 1999, and will add a completely new dimension to the phrase "state-of-the-art."

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COURSE DATES FOR 1999 - 2000
For your convenience, Front Sight Training Institute offers you the opportunity to enroll in Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle, and Submachine Gun courses on a two-day and four-day format.

All courses begin at 8:00 AM each day and finish into the evening, with selected courses involving night shooting exercises. You may enroll in either a Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle, or Submachine Gun course on any date the course is offered.

Front Sight’s COURSE DATES FOR 1999 - 2000
LV = Las Vegas, NV
BAK = Bakersfield, CA
9-10, 16-17, 23-24, 30-31 Student Appreciation, Free Submachine Gun Seminars. Open to students who attended Front Sight in 1998. Guns & ammunition provided free of charge.
12, 13, 14, 15 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep Specialized Courses and Specialized Events

We will distribute announcements exclusively to our mailing list detailing Specialized Course Offerings and Special Events.

Anticipated Events include Las Vegas Progress Celebrations in the Spring and Summer leading up to the Las Vegas Grand Opening in October.

Specialized Courses will vary based on requests from our students.

27, 28 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun
13, 14 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Advanced Tactical Handgun
26, 27, 28, 29 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep
10, 11 Defensive Handgun Practical Rifle Advanced Tactical Handgun
23, 24, 25, 26 Defensive Handgun Practical Rifle Handgun Combat Master Prep
1, 2 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun
28, 29, 30, 31 Defensive Handgun Practical Rifle Handgun Combat Master Prep
12, 13 Defensive Handgun Practical Rifle Advanced Tactical Handgun
25, 26, 27, 28 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep
10, 11 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun
23, 24, 25, 26 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep
7,8 Defensive Handgun Practical Rifle Advanced Tactical Handgun
20,21,22,23 Defensive Handgun Practical Rifle Handgun Combat Master Prep
3,4,5,6 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep
18,19 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun
16,17 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun Tactical Shotgun Practical Rifle
22,23,24,25 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep Practical Rifle Submachine Gun
6,7 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun Tactical Shotgun Practical Rifle
19,20,21,22 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep Practical Rifle Submachine Gun
3, 4, 5, 6 Defensive Handgun Tactical Shotgun Handgun Combat Master Prep Practical Rifle Submachine Gun
11, 12 Defensive Handgun Handgun Skill Builder Advanced Tactical Handgun Tactical Shotgun Practical Rifle
8-9, 15-16, 22-23, 29-30 Student Appreciation, Free Submachine Gun Seminar. Open to students who attended Front Sight in 1999. Guns & ammunition provided free of charge.

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