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A Message
From Front Sight’s
Founder and Director

Dr. Ignatius Piazza

Thank you for your interest in Front Sight Firearms Training Institute.

You probably have not heard of me. I'm not a competitive shooter. I have not written any gun articles or published any books. I have not served in the military and I do not have any law enforcement experience. In fact, prior to 1988, I was just your average gun enthusiast. Then one evening, a group of anti-socials drove through my quiet neighborhood and blasted away at everything that represented the fruits of a decent work ethic.

During this random, drive-by shooting spree, I was struck by a sudden and frightening realization. Although I owned firearms and shot them regularly at the range, I was never taught the skills required to use a gun when it is needed most — to defend one's life.

This revelation began my quest for training and ultimately placed me under the tutelage of Col. Jeff Cooper, the Father of Modern Pistolcraft and Founder of The American Pistol Institute — previously known as Gunsite. The Colonel's weaponcraft doctrine rang loud and true for me. After thirteen week-long courses and thousands of hours of practice over a three year period, I held Jeff Cooper's signature on EXPERT certificates in Special Pistol, Shotgun, Carbine, and Rifle courses. As my expertise developed, Col. Cooper's teachings inspired me to reach others and thus Front Sight Firearms Training Institute was conceived.

I then began a quest to expand my training and develop my vision for Front Sight. My journey led me to examine many teaching techniques and course formats. Among them was Massad Ayoob's Lethal Force Institute and Clint Smith's Thunder Ranch. As I continued to evolve my plans for the ultimate firearms training institute, I looked for submachine gun training. My search turned up Chuck Taylor, who at the time was the only Four Weapons Combat Master in existence, having developed the testing criteria himself in 1981. I was intrigued by the challenge and scope of the test, so I began a six month, daily training regimen in an attempt to prevail over what many have failed and most won't even attempt — The Four Weapons Combat Master Test.

Dr. Ignatius Piazza Quote

My routine included dry practicing with the handgun, shotgun, rifle, and submachine gun for three-to-four hours each day, Monday through Friday and then renting a shooting range all day Saturday to practice live-fire drills. When I felt I was ready, I began testing for certification. I failed many times, often just by a few points right at the very end of the test. With each failed attempt, I improved and learned more about what it takes to really train someone to their highest level possible. In the end, perseverance was the key to success and I am proud to inform you that on August 28, 1993, I became the second man in the world to secure a Four Weapons Combat Master certificate.

Armed with the extensive knowledge and experience gained from all the schools I attended and all the world renowned instructors that I trained with, I opened Front Sight Firearms Training Institute with the mission to find and train the warrior in you.

I share this information with you to illuminate Front Sight’s lineage and from it, give evidence of Front Sight’s purpose and dedication. My experience as a student made me astutely aware of what makes a great teaching curriculum and even more important - what makes an exceptional instructor. As a result, Front Sight Firearms Training Institute teaches the most proven, real-world techniques, delivered in the most efficient manner, by the industry's most select group of firearms trainers. Law enforcement and military instructors with real life and death tactical experience as well as instructors like myself who know what it is like to start at the bottom and train to the top with the best in the world. Now you can too, if you so desire.

Whether you just purchased your first firearm and need basic training or have handled guns for years and want to train up to the master level, Front Sight has the curriculum, facilities and instructors to bring out the most-and best in you. Regardless of what the unenlightened in the world may say, remember this my friend — you are the weapon and your firearm is just a tool. Upon graduation, you will fully understand why Front Sight’s motto is:

Any Gun Will Do — If You Will Do.


Four Weapons Combat Master

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